Plastic Waste Solution

QMRE has introduced a unique plastic waste solution into the UK and Republic of Ireland. The German Biofabrik WASTX P- series of plastic waste-to-oil systems will be a boon to plastic recycling services. While utilising pyrolysis-based technology, QMRE/Biofabrik’s technology is a continuous processing system providing more effective and efficient results unlike other pyrolysis-based systems using batch-processing. Uniquely, we pyrolyse plastic with electronic power generated from the process, unlike traditional pyrolysis which uses oil or gas burners, so this system is very clean by pollution standards compared with others. It provides the perfect solution to the problem of plastic waste disposal.

Working hand-in-hand with German specialist manufacturer Biofabrik & Bio Bitumen, QMRE has trialled and refined the WASTX systems to meet the necessary environmental specifications of the UK market. A fully operational demonstration model – the P250 – has been specified, constructed, trialled and tested and has now been shipped to the UK where it is in daily operation at QMRE’s Kent site enabling operators in the plastic waste services industry to see for themselves how plastic waste can be turned into a valuable commodity – oil.

QMRE – One Stop Solution for Plastic Recycling Services

We are demonstrating an old technology with a completely fresh approach. The process is cleaner than anything similar that proceeded it, both fast and efficient and self-powered. This is the best current solution for using plastic waste recycling to create a useful commodity – it is modular and it will go to where the problem is – it is plug and play.

The compact and fully automated WASTX Plastic P5000 system converts up to 5000 kg of plastic per day into polyolefin fraction, and, subsequently, cost-effectively into 5000 litres of usable oil.

The substrate is pyrolysed and the oil vapours condensed, solid residues discharged and pyrolysis gases used or combusted in the GenSet generator.

The product condensate can be used in suitable combustion engines for energy generation or refined in a WASTX Oil plant by fractionation into heavy, medium and light condensates.

The plants are installed in containers and are suitable for the expansion of existing recycling plants and for the fast, space-saving installation of a complete WASTX system.

The system is designed for polyolefin waste as the dominant material flow.

Biofabrik were permitted to burn off excess gases in Germany, but QMRE worked to provide additional branded products to convert and clean waste gases to usable energy. The introduction of active carbon cleaning of the gases into a GenSet ‘Otto style’ generator (a diesel motor with spark plugs) combusts the gas with a vastly reduced amount of diesel.

To meet the requirements of the UK regulatory bodies QMRE specified a number of changes to the basic design of the system more suited to UK plastic recycling services.